Workshop and Exhibition of Department Lecturer Kim Yong Moon and Guest Hong Seung Il
XIV. Hacettepe University International Macsabal Silk Road Symposium
Alberto Ferrer, "The Art of Play: Aesthetic Explorations in Ceramics" Speech
Ricard Balanzà, "Space, Movement and Action Between the Ephemeral and the Eternal" Speech
Julián Otero, "Folding in Design Education" Speech
"Macsabal Workshop with Kim Yong Moon" organized in cooperation with ÇAĞSAV
XIII. Hacettepe University International Macsabal Silk Road Symposium is starting on 25 September 2023.
King Midas Gordion Exhibition and Workshop in the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations

Department Erasmus Coordinator 

Prof. Adile Feyza ÖZGÜNDOĞDU



Department Erasmus Coordinator Assistant

Research Ass. Işıl TÜFEKCİ ARDIÇ



Department Erasmus Coordinator Assistant

Research Ass. Şule ALTAY



Department Erasmus Intership Coordinator 

Research Ass. İlhan MARASALI


Universities that have an agreement with the Erasmus exchange program;


-Hungary; University of West Hungary/University of Sopron, (HU SOPRON01)

-Spain; Escuela de Arte y Superior de Ceramica de Manises, (E VALENCI25)

-Germany; Halle University of Art and Design, (D HALLE03)

-Germany; Hochschule Koblenz University of Applied Science, (D KOBLENZ02)

-Poland; The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, (PL WROCLAW07)